Anime Clips Available with Free vSNAX Videos App Source: Rhythm NewMedia, ADV Films Special Thanks to Lisa Friedrichs

The best shows from Anime Network, America’s #1 Anime Channel, are now available on the Anime channel of vSNAX Videos, a free app for the Apple iPhone and iPod touch. vSNAX is the destination for video on the iPhone, aggregating and refreshing short video clips from over 25 premium media partners every day. Anime Network titles, including AZUMANGA DAIOH, SAIYUKI and MYTHICAL DETECTIVE LOKI, are now accessible on the iPhone with updates throughout the day so that Anime fans will always have their favorite shows with them. The shows are available as short three to five minute clips, which are perfect for the mobile environment as a snack sized bite of entertainment on the go. Anime fans can download the FREE vSNAX Videos app at “We chose Anime Network as one of our newest content partners because they have an excellent catalog and anime is what vSNAX users requested” said Ian Foley, senior director of business development for Rhythm NewMedia. Our decision to collaborate with vSNAX Videos was an easy one, because vSNAX provides a great user experience,” said Stacy Dodson, Vice President at Anime Network. “Anime fans tend to be tech-savvy early adopters. vSNAX is tailor-made for them.” About Anime Network Anime Network, a subsidiary of A.D. Vision Inc. (parent company to ADV Films), is America’s #1 Anime Channel, reaching more than 43 million households with thousands of hours of exciting, eye-catching serialized programming. Launched in North America in late 2002, Anime Network is the nation’s top video-on-demand (VOD) offering, and is also available on mobile and broadband platforms. The network continues to broaden its national roster of multi-system operator (MSO) agreements, bringing the elusive 18–34, tech-savvy male demographic back to television and driving demand for additional digital services offered by MSOs. For more information, visit About Rhythm NewMedia & vSNAX Videos

Rhythm NewMedia is the leader in customized mobile video solutions and applications, working closely with professional media partners and advertisers to both monetize and create the best video viewing experience. Rhythm is a trusted partner with a proven track record of over 50 million mobile video ads served in partnership with 60 media companies, several top tier mobile operators and more than 50 top name brand advertisers. Rhythm’s services include ad sales, ad serving, custom iPhone and Smartphone application development, mobile site design, and overall video management. Rhythm recently launched vSNAX Videos, a free entertainment application for Apple’s iPhone and iPod touch, to showcase Rhythm’s innovation in providing an exceptional user experience, ground breaking ad units, and high quality streaming. Rhythm investors include The Carlyle Group, Lightspeed Venture Partners, Morgenthaler Ventures and Rembrandt Venture Partners. For more information please visit